83rd Div. Brothers-In-Arms Logo.

Thunderbolt Message Board

This basic message board offers the opportunity to list the name of the 83rd veteran or unit you are seeking information about, along with your name and email address. If you would like a listing here, send a brief email by clicking here, with as much pertinent information as possible (veteran name, rank, military id number, company or unit, dates served, etc.) Other listings can include announcements of meetings and reunions of 83rd veterans, or other information that would be at least of general interest to the 83rd Division.

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I'm looking for information about my father, Frank J. Kozar, S/N 31326883. According to his Separation Honorable Discharge report he served with Company H, 3rd Battalion, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division as a "Heavy Machine Gunner 805." He served from 3/12/1943 and was wounded sometime in early 1945, I believe in the Hurtgen Forest. He rarely speaks of his time in the service but occasionally about the men he was friends with and I would like to learn more. I do recall him mentioning a band he would sometimes accompany who would entertain the troops, also some battles he was in. Any information about his unit, commander, type action, or other information would be greatly appreciated. My Dad is still alive and, while not completly physically well, is still sharp and I'm sure would love to hear from anyone who knew him during this time. Thanks, Alison Kozar at alison.kozar@gmail.com. Posted 31 Dec 06

I am trying to find out information about my uncle, Meyer Small. He was from Altoona, PA. I think that he was in the 83rd Infantry Division. He was killed in Normandy on July 1, 1944. My name is William Small and my email address is mrsmall@epix.net. Thank you, Bill. Posted 21 Dec 06

I'm looking for information about my father, Charles Rolland Fulton, S/N O1016876. He was a 1st Lt. and tank unit commander in the AT (anti-tank) Company, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He served from April 10, 1943 to June 7, 1946. Any information about his unit, commander, type of tank, or other information would be appreciated. Dell B. Fulton at Dell.Fulton@state.tn.us. Posted 13 Dec 06

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all from "Brothers-In-Arms" website. Thanks to Jay Cottle for providing the 331st Infantry Regiment Christmas Card from 1944. Jay's father, Albert Cottle, was a veteran of H Company, 331st Infantry and was wounded on Jan 10, 1944 at Bihain, Belgium. Jay says that his dad had 13 wounds, but managed to recover. He passed away on Mar. 3, 2002 at the age of 88. Posted 11 Dec 06

GTOO Media, New York City, is producing a series of audio-visual presentations for the permanent core exhibit in the new Normandy American Cemetery Visitor Center at Colleville-sur-Mere, just above Omaha Beach. The center is being developed and built by the American Battle Monuments Commission, and it will educate visitors to the cemetery about the veterans buried there. One part of this project, called "Voices of Soldiers" is a listening environment comprised of a series of audio pieces that will allow visitors to hear the voices and recollections of veterans in their own words. 83rd Veterans who have recorded oral histories of their experiences in Normandy should contact GTOO Media. Please note that already recorded interviews of good quality are preferred. If you have a recorded tape that you would like to submit for consideration, please contact Sara Grady at GTOO Media at her email address: sgrady@gtoomedia.com. Posted 09 Dec 06

I am looking for a copy of the book "Rag Tag Circus," written by Louis Sandini who was a Sergeant in Battery B, 322nd Field Artillery. The book covers his experiences from Camp Atterbury to the end of the war. My grandfather also served in the 322nd Field Artillery, and I would like to purchase a copy of the book. If you have a copy for sale or know where I might find one, please contact me. Thanks, Don Knox at dknox@sw.rr.com. Posted 06 Dec 06

Veteran of 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division living in Spiegelou, Germany seeks info on other members of his unit. Henry Wilburn Vanhoy at Kingtut741@aol.com. Posted 12 Nov 06

I'm seeking info on Private Ludvic Henry Steinberger (ASN 36830916) who served in the 330 IR (company not known). Born 6/20/25 in Marquette, Michigan. Seriously wounded in action on 7/6/44 (exact place of battle unknown), he died of those wounds on 7/7. Ludvic was a high school senior when he was drafted, and he was inducted into the Army on 9/2/43. Originally sent to Camp Grant, IL, he received basic training at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, and Camp Breckenridge, KY, before going overseas in April 1944. Ludvic was stationed in England before taking part in the invasion of France. Besides his mother, he was survived by two brothers, both serving in the Army at the time of his death, and two sisters, Mary Hebert and Frances Johnson of Marquette. Ludvic was awarded the Purple Heart. Interred in an unknown temporary cemetery in France, his body was returned from Europe in April 1948 at his family's request, and he was laid to rest in Marquette's Holy Cross Cemetery on Saturday, 5/8/48. I have present-day and WWII maps I can refer to and have been to Normandy several times. I will share any information I receive about Ludvic with his niece, Cathy. Thanks so much! Loraine Koski at loraine@wmqt.com. Posted 10 Nov 06

I am looking for information on my Uncle, S/Sgt. John Chepan. He was in the 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He was shot on April 11th, 1945 and died on April 13th, 1945. I would like to hear anything about him. Thanks, Bob Mecke at rmirah@comcast.net Posted 04 Nov 06

I am looking for someone who knew my husband's uncle Pfc. Robert D.(Bob) Law, 329th Infantry Regiment. Served as rifleman and runner for 3rd Platoon (company unknown) under Lt. Neil Snyder and Sgt's Mike Cooney, Charles Sparrow and others. Some of his platoon buddies were Pete Petrisko, Walt Sowula, Mal Zulauf and Grady Moody. If anyone can help please send info to kshoman@aol.com. Thank you. Posted 30 Oct 06

My uncle was part of the 2nd Platoon of Company F, 331st IR. I have a picture of the company and am certain that he is one of the unidentified men in that picture. I am hoping that someone in his platoon can help me to identify which one. His name was Francis Alexander Soucie, but to close friends he may have gone by either Frank or Frenchie. It is my understanding that he was a messenger during WWII. My uncle never spoke of the war, now that he is deceased my son has taken on a great interest in researching his military career. He found out all the medals he won (purple heart with clusters, among others). And purchased them all from ebay where we've had them framed. We have also ordered a copy of his military records from NARA. At this point all we are missing is a picture and maybe some interesting stories about his time overseas. We would love if anyone who remembers him could help us figure out who he is in this picture (the picture is very difficult to make out for me) and provide us with more information. I knew very little of my uncle while he was alive. He died unmarried without children and always kept to himself. To this day he still remains a mystery to our family. If you know anything or are able to help us in our search please contact me at Abonn@cfl.rr.com. Thanks in advance! Posted 30 Oct 06

I would like to receive any information about Chester Holman from Missouri. At one time he was stationed at Camp Reynolds in Pennsylvania. He was in the 83rd Division; Lufkinbourg, Germany; Battle of the Bulge. Thanks, Ernest Hawkins at Pwhite1932@wmconnect.com. Posted 26 Oct 06

I am looking for anyone who may have known PFC George J. Arient who was killed on July 7, 1944. It seems he was in "B" Company of the 330th. I'm thinking he may have been a replacement. I obtained a lot of his material through a relative and would love to track down a closer family member who may still be living. He was from Chicago. I'm also interested in knowing when the replacements may have joined the unit. Would he have joined back in England or possibly just a day or so before his death? Thanks and God Bless all the soldiers who served. My email: rmitcha@msn.com. Thanks, Mitchell. Posted 17 Oct 06

I am doing some research on my dad's uncle who served in the 83d Infantry Division and received countless medals. I want to see if I can find more info on him generally and maybe some photos. His name was Frank Soucie and he was amongst these great war heroes. I have many documents on him and his war duties but I have no photos of him. I am very interested in finding maybe a military yearbook were he might be found. If anyone has any info I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Craig Ruzzo at bethruzzo@msn.com Posted 16 Oct 06

[Webmaster note: Craig Ruzzo has provided additional information about Frank Soucie, also known as Frenchy. He was with the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, and served in all five campaigns of the 83rd from Normandy through Central Europe. He was wounded on 12 April 1945 during the St. Malo campaign. Craig has photos of two F Company veterans, Captain Robert Mitchell and J R Duncan, strong evidence that Pfc Soucie may have served with F Company/331st Infantry.]

I am trying to find information on F Company, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division during the FIRST WORLD WAR. If anyone has any info, especially where the 331st was during WWI and any action they participated in, I would appreciate it. Thank you. Centurion024@verizon.net. Posted 28 Sept 06

I'm looking for any info about George V. Frank, born in 1888. He was in Camp Sherman with the 331st Artillery in First World War. I don't know much else. Please let me know any information. Pereznancy@myway.com. Posted 28 Sept 06

A new 83rd Division history has just been published. "My Father's War" by Beth Chittenden is subtitled "An Oral History of the Experiences of Lawrence Lee Chittenden During World War II." The large format book is printed on heavy stock and contains the complete oral history that Beth conducted with her father Lawrence Lee Chittenden, who was a platoon leader in I Company/330th Infantry Regiment in Normandy and Brittany, and later was the regimental liaison officer (assistant S-3) for the 330th. The book is loaded with photos, maps, drawings, letters, and other documentation, many in full color. Excerpts from other 83rd histories are included to provide the time reference for the oral history. The result is an incredible odyssey that is almost impossible to put down once you have started to read it. Copyright 2006, Silk Purse Press, 331 pages. Contact the author, Beth Chittenden at lizzydesignsinc@yahoo.com for more information on obtaining the book. Posted 12 Sept 06

I'm looking for any information about my father, Bethel (Bing) Crosby, serial number 34948407, Pvt., 83rd Division, 331st Regiment, light machine gunner. He was wounded in Belgium 14 Jan 45. He never would talk about his service other than to say " I was there" whenever he was asked about the war, especially The Battle of the Bulge. I have no idea what company he may have been in and very little other information. Any information that you might have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dave Crosby at dpc6529@aol.com. Posted 08 Sept 06

I'm looking for any information about my father, Russell H. Franklin, 11 118 126, from Haverhill, MA. He passed away in July 1992. He was a Fifth Grade Technician, 3rd Battalion, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He was wounded in action sometime in the November-December 1944 time frame. He was awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal, Lapel Button issued ASR Score (2 Sept) 66. If anyone remembers him or has any information about him, it would be very much appreciated if you write to me at steve031959@msn.com. Thank you. Posted 28 Aug 06

Do you remember my father, please? Look in your 83rd Division reunion book to see a full page ad with his picture.He is SSgt Walter A. Knapp, HQCO, 2nd BN, 331st Inf, 83rd Div. Had been a company clerk stateside. 5'9", blue eyed, blonde, Catholic.He met up with the Division at Camp Breckenridge coming from New England. He last saw my mother on emergency leave January 29, 1944 in Newport, RI. I was born on Jan. 31. His first letter from France was dated June 11. He died near Sainteny? on July 17, 1944. I am attending the reunion in the hopes someone remembers him so I can know him through your memory. Mary Jean Knapp Houlahan, former Captain, USMC, Stuart, FL. Cell (561) 302-7559. mjhoulahan@bellsouth.net. Posted 23 Aug 06

My father, George Wishart, joined the National Guard at the age of 15 in Vermont while he was still in high school. He won a football scholarship to Purdue, but did not attend--the guard unit was mobilized and he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. (This I believe was the 43rd Division and he was in the 172nd Infantry, Company C and/or Company I until July 1942.) In July 1942 he was with the 83rd Division, 329th Infantry. His "Separation Qualification Record" indicates that he was the "Battalion Commander of the 1st Bn, 329th Inf, 83rd Division in the United States and France." If anyone has information about my dad, I would appreciate it. So many men and women did so much for our country, I just wish I knew more. Pat at pjdent@comcast.net. Posted 21 Aug 06

I am looking for information on Wesley McMahon of Rochester N.Y. I know he survived the war because he visited my grandfather to talk about my uncle, James Hentschel who did not survive. I would like to contact Mr. McMahon or his family to reunite two families across time. Bob Wozniak at r.wozniak@mchsi.com. Posted 21 Aug 06

[Webmaster note: The 83rd Division list of casualties shows that Corporal James Hentschel was in the 330th Infantry Regiment . Cause of death is listed as "DOW," or died of wounds.]

There is an excellent article in the August 15th edition of the Knoxville News about Tony Vaccaro and his photograph of Jack Rose, taken at the instant that Rose was killed in action. The story resulted from the efforts of Dan Klare, who had initally contacted Tony to get some information about Raymond Ruberg who was killed on 11 January 1945 at Ottre, Belgium. During his research, Dan came across some information about Jack Rose, that he passed along to Tony. The article is online, and you can read it by clicking here. Posted 16 August 06

I am looking for anyone who may have information about Captain George S. Partnen, who served with Company B, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Thank you for any help. Mildred Ronan at mildredlronan@earthlink.net. Posted 16 August 06

Can any veterans or descendants of the 83rd Infantry Division offer any information on the 774th Tank Battalion, which was attached to the 83rd at least in December of 1944 near Gey and Duren, Germany and January of 1945 near Langlir, Belgium? It appears they supported the 330th and 331st Regiments during the Hurtgen and Bulge periods and may have been attached to the 83rd at other times as well. They called themselves the Black Cat Tankers. Any information appreciated. Unfortunately, as a simple battalion of sixty tanks, information of the 774th is awfully hard to come by. The sacrifice of the men who kept the world free will never be forgotten. David Booth at Boothguy@cox.net, son of S/Sgt. George Booth, Tank Commander, 774th Tank Battalion b. 1917, d. 1964. Posted 11 Aug 06

I'm seeking information about the brother of a friend: US Sergeant Raymond Kirkpatrick, 141153714. He served in the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. He died on 11 Jan 1945 and is buried in Belgium at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery. Would like to learn more about his service and the last months before he died. You can contact me on widb@stabe.be. Thank you. Posted 09 Aug 06

My name is Constant Goergen, President of the U.S.VETERANS FRIENDS, LUXEMBOURG Association. Does anybody remember the battle of Ottre in Belgium where on January 1945 during the Battle of the Bulge a lot of the men of Company F, 331st Regiment, 83rd Division were killed in action. Among them Sergeant Raymond Kirkpatrick and Raymond E. Rubrg. Both were killed on January 11th, 1945. Any information concerning this fight is highly appreciated. I am also interested to get the after action reports from September 1944 to March 1945 concerning the 83rd Infantry Division. Thank you for your understanding. Constant Goergen at constgoe@pt.lu. Posted 07 Aug 06

Captain Daniel M. Moore, U.S. Army, was my maternal uncle and namesake. He was killed in action on April 15, 1945, while serving with the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Regiment. He is buried in the Netherlands (Holland). I am seeking information concerning his military responsibilities; combat experiences; military awards and/or citations, to include actions for which cited; and circumstances surrounding his death, as well as any other personal data of possible interest to me and other members of my family. I would love to hear from any member of his unit, who has knowledge of him. Thank you. Please contact me at following:
Daniel E. Shomer
7521 Rockingham Road
Prospect, KY 40059
Posted 26 July 06

I am seeking information concerning Miles Zdenek, KIA 7 Jan 45 , Belgium. Miles was in the 83rd Infantry Division, 330th Regiment, Company L. As boys, Miles and I were Chicago neighbors; we lived and played on the same West Side Street. My war-time tour of duty was with the 5th Armored Division. During the month of December 1944, our Division spent 22 bewildering days in the inhospitable Hurtgen Forest. It was always a welcome sight to see your 83rd Division soldiers there; it somewhat alleviated the feeling of loneliness. At that point in history, I was not aware that my boyhood friend was a member of the 83rd Division. More than a half-century has flown by since those hectic days, and through those years I often wondered how close I came to meeting Miles Zdenek in the Hurtgen Forest. Thank you very much! -- T/5 Frank Koss, 5th Armored Division, Company "A", 22nd Engineer Battalion and Headquarters Company CC "A". I can be reached at: jkoss@abanet.org. Posted 26 July 06

I am trying to find anyone that may have known my father, MSgt Oliver Weismuller, 908th Field Artillery, HQ Battery, 83rd Infantry Division. He was an artist and did drawings for the "Thunderbolt" paper. Someone once contacted me and asked if I was the same Weismuller he remembered from the 83rd Infantry, I explained I was the son (he must have been talking about my father--how many Weismullers are there anyway?), but never heard another word from him. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thomasp283@aol.com. Posted 13 July 06

The 83rd Infantry Division will observe their 60th Reunion this summer in Nashville, Indiana. The dates of the reunion are Wednesday August 23 through Sunday August 27, 2006. Descendant member Georgeanna Slaybaugh has been working with the Association leadership to plan, organize and facilitate this year's reunion. I have been in contact with her, and she has requested the help of descendent members who may be attending. Assistance will be needed in various areas: manning information booths and reception/hospitality rooms; providing transportation from Bloomington to Nashville, Indiana and back; decorating the banquet hall; registering veterans for thank you certificates from France, WWII Memorial, Library of Congress interviews, and Purple Heart Museum; aides to accompany veterans who may feel uncomfortable getting around on their own; and general go-fer duties. About 15 volunteers are needed. If you are planning to attend the reunion and are available to help in any of these areas or other areas please contact me, Dave Dimmick, at davedimmick@irtc.net. I will forward your responses on to Georgeanna Slaybaugh. Posted 12 July 06

[Webmaster note: If you are not a member of the association and are interested in joining and/or attending the reunion, please contact me for more information at davecurry@ncweb.com. I can send you application forms via email. Please note that time is running short, and activity fees for the reunion must be received by treasurer Cliff Wooldridge by July 23rd.]

I just purchased a helmet from WWI. It has scratched in the front the insignia of the 83rd Division, 330, and a musician's lyre. It also contains the initials: W.D.T. I was wondering if there are copies of the rosters for this unit? This guy would likely have been in the band of the 330th Regiment, before WWII. You can contact me at buffusv@prodigy.net. Thank you, Scot Buffington. Posted 10 July 06

I am looking to learn more about the brother of a friend who still lives in the U.S. I am especially interested in the last months before he died. His name is Sgt. Raymond Kirkpatrick, 83rd infantry Division, 331st Infantry Regiment, Service Number 14153714. He died on 11 Jan 1945 and is buried at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery. All information can be sent to widb@stabe.be. Posted 10 July 06

I am looking for info about Dorsey R. Simmons, Private, U.S. Army, Service # 37630021, 330th Infantry Regiment, Co. B (1st platoon), 83rd Infantry Division. Entered the Service from Missouri, missing in action, died: 12-Aug-45. Awards: Bronze Star, Purple Heart. I found his shelter half yesterday in the Ardennes, with his name and serial number on it. Any info welcome. Thanks, Antoine Holland at bulge@hotmail.com. Posted 10 July 06

I am seeking information about my Uncle, Staff Sgt. Henry S. Fura of the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Henry died of war injuries in Normandy on July 20, 1944. Any information would be helpful as well as advice on seeking military records. I thank all those who take time to respond as well as all of those who served our country. All correspondence can be sent to: kevinfura@rcn.com. Posted 06 July 06

I am looking to learn more about my grandfather Sgt. Ralph G. Neppel. I have read the articles, and records of his actions, however I know very little of who he really was. I was very young when he died, and I only remember bits and peices of what he was like. I remember most his sense of humor. I hope that someone may be able to tell me what he was like other than what he did durning WW2. Thank you. Zachary Ferguson at platoschair@yahoo.com. Posted 03 July 06

[Webmaster note: Sgt. Ralph G. Neppel, a veteran of the 83rd Division, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic actions on 14 December 1944 in Birgel, Germany.]

My family and I are seeking any information that pertains to our Uncle Harry Miles McAfoose Jr., from Indiana, Pa., who died Aug 13, 1944, during the Normandy Campaign. He was assigned to the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. He is buried at the Brittany American Cemetery, St. James, France. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew our uncle so we can learm more about his patriotic service to our country. Thank you. Don McAfoose at shushumac@verizon.net. Posted 01 July 06

I am looking for any family or friends that know the followiing vets who served in the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry: 2nd LT Oral B Evans 0-1322020, Pvt. Arthur C Burkholder 33711044, Pvt. Robert W. Fischer 39204637. They had direct contact with my uncle, Alfred L Baldwin, KIA St. Malo, France, Aug 9,1944, at the time of his death. I would like to talk to any of these gentlemen or their families. Thanks, Jeff at jeffbdc@skybest.com. Posted 22 June 06

I am seeking information on anyone who may have served in the 83rd Infantry, 330th Regiment, Company C. My Father-In-Law Harold B. Everham, Sr. was part of that regiment and is looking for anyone who may have served with him. If you were a member of his company or a relative of someone who was, he would love to hear from you. Please contact me via email.Thank you. Jennifer at everham@verizon.net. Posted 12 June 06

The May-June issue of the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) magazine listed the upcoming 60th reunion of the 83rd Infantry Division Association to be held at Nashville, Tn. This is a mistake on their part, and they were notified about the error and asked to publish the correct location, Nashville, Indiana. Charles Abdinoor, Executive Board, 83rd Infantry Division Association. Posted 12 June 06

I am seeking information about my Grandfather, Emory E. Kitchen, a native of Dallas, Pa. He served as a medic (308th Medical Battalion) with the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Infantry, Company C. Captain Lavoie was his commanding officer. My Grandfather received the Bronze Star for heroism during the Battle of the Bulge at Bihain, Belgium on Jan. 12, 1945. He also received the Silver Star, although I cannot find any documentation. I have the Silver Star ribbon that was worn on his uniform. Greatly desire to learn more about his heroic service. Thank you. Ed Davidson at ed.davidson@sbcglobal.net. Posted 10 June 06

I am still seeking info about my father, James Gray Hager, Serial #44005502. He was with 83rd Division, 331st Infantry Regiment. I do not know his company. I have passes issued to him by the 36th Tank Battalion for Paris in May and Sept. 45; Reims, France in Oct. 45; and Pilzen, Czech. in Sept. 45. All of these were after he was wounded in Germany on 7 April 45. How he got into Armor is a question I would like answered and would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew him or what regiment or division the 36th Tank Battalion was with. Thank you JB Hager at mcb6@netzero.com. Posted 10 June 06

I am looking for information about my dad Winfield Arthur Tonkin. He served in the 330th infantry, Company I, of the 83rd Division. He was a Staff Sergeant and was wounded on July 4, 1944. He is from Pennsylvania. His serial # is 33355755. I would appreciate any stories, pictures, or just friendly information. Thank You! Muskrats79@aol.com. Posted 10 June 06

My uncle, Joseph P. Grossi, died on July 2, 1944 and is buried in Normandy. I want to get information about his service, and that of the 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, at the tme of his death. Below is his info from the American Battle Monuments Commission website. I appreciate any information you can relay. Joseph P. Grossi, Private First Class, U.S. Army, Service # 33255344, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division; Entered the Service from Pennsylvania; Died 2-Jul-44; Buried at Plot J, Row 26, Grave 5, Normandy American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer, France; Awards, Purple Heart. With thanks, Nina Grossi at agrossi@hotmail.com. Posted 04 June 06

We are looking for information about Earl A. Bemus (Houston Tx), ASN 18072956, who served with the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry. He was a Sergeant and received a battlefield commission to 2nd Lieutenant in March 1945. He served from June 1944 through the Elbe River and the occupation. He was wounded two or three times, and received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Dad passed away in 1983. He never said a lot about his service (maybe three or four stories). I do know he had respect and admiration for his M1. At one point he tried using a "Grease Gun," which was a disaster--he went back to an M1 within days. Any additional info on Dad or the 331st would be great. The Bemus family at bemski@comcast.net. Posted 03 June 06

My Grandfather was Marcus William Milam ("Pete"), 83rd Division, 330th Regiment, Company C. He was from north Alabama and passed away in 1978. I have just begun searching for info about him and have his discharge papers. I am particularly interested in the dates that he was wounded, July 16th 44, apparently near Carentan, and December 25th 44, in the Hurtgenwald. It would also be very helpful if anyone could tell me which Battalion Company C was with. Thank you, Blaine Milam at blizaine318@aol.com. Posted 31 May 06

I am looking for information about my grandfather who was wounded in WWII and was in the 83rd Division. He died soon after returning home. His name was Woodrow Richardson from Middle TN. He was at Camp Atterbury for basic training and at Camp Breckenridge. He served in France, Luxembourg, and Germany. Thanks, Mark Savage at marksavage@tds.net. Posted 27 May 06

My father is James G. Hager 44005502, PFC, US Army.He was inducted Aug.26, 1944 and discharged Dec.8, 1945. He was a BAR man and was wounded Apr.7, 1945. He was in the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. I do not know his company. I would like to hear from anyone who knew him. He has never talked much about the war. Thank you very much, James B. Hager, USN RET at mcb6@netzero.com. Posted 25 May 06

Looking for any information about PFC Melvin E. Miller, US. Army WW II , 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. He was reported KIA on Aug 1, 1944. Tom and Brenda at bjlady18@aznex.net. Posted 25 May 06

My father would like to hear from any vets that remember him from The Battle of the Bulge or other engagements at that time. His name is Staff Sgt O W Dyson of the 83rd Division, 330th Infantry, First Platoon, Company G. He was and still is from Ft. Worth, Texas, and now lives in Arlington, Texas. He just turned 87 and is still frisky. He was wounded in Belgium on Jan 5,1945. Phil Dyson at pdyson@sbcglobal.net. Posted 23 May 06

My father, C.O. Dimmick was a T/Sgt for 1st platoon, Co. I, 330th Infantry. Don't know if this will help someone, but I have a list of 1st platoon members of Co. I, 330th that my father had written in a small notebook. The list is for the 1st week of Jan. 1945. I will only list last names to save space. Jackson, Mareno, Dimmick, Myers, Teeters, Symanski, Suttles, Benally, Strunk, Jacobson, Duffer, Simmons, Wisemann, Caldwell, Jarmson, Hutchins, Statey, Goodwin, Traylor, Palidino, Rogone, Tedesco, Schrader, Benn, Ruble, Marciano, Pollock, Petroski, Robert J. Smith, Salevsky. I have rank, serial#, assignment and status of WIA ,MIA with date for this 1st week of Jan. 1945. Dave Dimmick at dmdimmick@roysterclark.com. Posted 19 May 06

My father, George Cooley, from Warren, Ohio, was a staff sergeant in Battery A of the 322nd Field Artillery Battalion of the 83rd Infantry Division in WWII. He passed away on March 16, 2006 in Richmond, Texas. He was a proud member of the 83rd, and he and my mother, Mary Cooley, attended many conventions after the war. I don't believe any of his buddies from Warren are still with us, but our family carries many fond memories of those guys. I'm sure my dad would be proud if anyone going to the next convention would mention his name there. I'm not sure if you call roll for those that have recently fallen or not. I attended two conventions myself in New York and New Orleans, and I was truly moved by the quality of individuals in the group. God Bless...and Thank You! George M. Cooley at george@ghfs.net. Posted 19 May 06

Thank the Lord for the internet! I am interested in finding some of my fellows that I served with in L Company, 329th Regiment as I am now 85 years old and would be elated to correspond with those who are still around. I would also like a copy of the books that I received after my discharge pertaining to the regiment and division that I was with. Grover N. Sherrill, PFC BAR gunner in France,1945-1946. Anyone in this company who would like to correspond or E-mail back and forth would be most appreciated and welcome.Looking back, I was proud to do my duty for our country and lucky to make it back home. Grover Sherrill at wks4me@buncombe.main.nc.us. Posted 19 May 06

The family of Mannon Junior Gardner of D Company, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, who died on August 16, 1944 in Normandy will be commemorating his life and sacrifice to his country on Saturday, May 20, 2006 near his home town of Glencoe in Northeast Alabama. Any veteran in or near the area who served in the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division would be a welcomed guest. For more information, contact Lynda (Gardner) Bentley, a sister at: JackieBentley@BellSouth.net. Posted 12 May 06

It is with great sorrow that I bear bad news. Pat DiGiammerino of the Boston Chapter, 83rd Infantry Division Association has passed on. Pat was three time National President and was a driving force on recruiting former members of the 83rd Division to join our association. His personal achievement was also recruiting people to contribute to our Ad Book, and at times had about 1/3 of the book filled through his work and dedication. He leaves his wife Ginny, and three sons, Paul, David and Gary. He will surely be missed. There are also numerous more credits he accomplished, He was a true 83rd man. Sincerely, Chuck Abdinoor, Executive Board, 83rd Infantry Division Association. Posted 10 May 06

I am looking for information or pictures of my uncle who served in the 83rd. He was attached to Company H, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. His name is Paul B. Martino, Service # 31465424. He was in the service from April 1944 until January 1945, when he was killed in action and is now buried in Henri-Chapelle Cemetery in Belgium. My name is Richard Martino and my email address is rem1@nycap.rr.com. Posted 10 May 06

I am writing on behalf of a daughter whose father was killed in Belgium in January 45. I know that he was with the 83rd but have been unable to find anything more about him. His info is as follows: Erven Frank Meyer, tag #: 35903102, born 21 Aug 1917 in Indiana, inducted 31 Jan 1944, sent to Active duty 21 Feb 44, sent overseas July 1944, assigned to 83d Division (this I can't verify since the patches she said were his do not match the 83rd), died in Belgium on 7 Jan 1945. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Michael W. Tyra at michael.tyra@carson.army.mil. Posted 09 May 06

[Webmaster note: Pfc. Erven F. Meyer is included in the casualty lists of the 330th Infantry Regiment for 07 Jan 1945.]

The 83rd Infantry Division Association reunion is being held at the Brown County Inn, Nashville, IN on August 23-26. You can call the Inn at 1-800-772-5249 to make room reservations.Note: There are no elevators at the Inn, so if you are a descendant member, please ask for a second floor room. This will leave the first floor rooms available for the vets who may have difficulty climbing stairs. Plans for the reunion were printed in the latest Thunderbolt magazine, and they include a parade on Thursday evening, a chuck wagon buffet and entertainment on Friday evening, a Saturday morning bus trip to Camp Atterbury, and of course the banquet and entertainment on Saturday evening. The Thunderbolt contains an activity registration form for these events--deadline for activity registration and payment is July 23rd. (Note: activity fees are paid to the 83rd Division Association and not to the hotel.) Posted 01 May 06

[Webmaster note: If you do not receive the Thunderbolt, and need a registration form, just send me an email.]

My dad was S/SGt Stephen A. Raffa with Company A, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He was wounded July 10, 1944 and Jan 12, 1945. Battles and campaigns were Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes, Central Europe. Would love to find anyone who has pictures, as I remember photo in book where my dad is seen trudging thru the snow ...Thank you, Patti Raffa at pisces@metrocast.net. Posted 29 Apr 06

My uncle was Pvt. Frank C. Barone of Mahanoy City, PA. He was wounded and died in June 1944 in Normandy. I am searching for anyone who knew him and can tell me anything about him during his time in Company C of the 331st Infantry, 83rd Infantry Division. Arthur F. Belfiore at afbspareme@verizon.net. Posted 23 Apr 06

My father was Robert E. (Bob) Sheridan. After having served in the horse cavalry at Fort Riley, Kansas, he was sent to Camp Atterbury, Indiana as the 83rd Infantry Division was being activated. My father was a platoon leader with Company C, 1st Battalion, 329th Regiment thru the end of World War II. In February 1945 he received his battlefield commission along with his buddy, Sgt. Hughes. Dad had another pal named Bedway. I would love to hear from Williams or Bedway or anyone who knew my father during the War. I am interested in learning exactly what my father and Williams did to earn their commissions. Dad told me the story once, long ago, but I have forgotten the details. My father went on to serve 27 years with the U.S.Army. He was a soldier's soldier. Rob Sheridan II at Rob.Sheridan@srs.ks.gov. Posted 21 Apr 06

"Shavetail" is subtitled "The odyessy of an Infantry Lieutenant in World War II." Written by William L. Devitt, a platoon leader in E Company/330th Infantry Regiment, the book has received glowing reviews. The U.S. Army War College calls Devitt's book "...a brutally honest recounting of what war is all about. From his criticism of the decisions made by senior leaders to insights into his own perceived weaknesses and misgivings, Devitt tells a tale that all who have experienced combat or the fear of battle can empathize with." "Shavetail" is must reading for anyone interested in the 83rd Division. The book can be ordered from North Star Press of St. Cloud. Posted 14 Apr 06

My father was William J. Adams, ASN 35664743, from Brodhead or Ottawa, Kentucky. His friend called him Chub. I'm not sure when or how he got his nickname. He entered the Army on September 25th, 1942. He served with the 83rd Infantry Division, 330th Infantry Regiment, Company L. He was an E-5, Sergeant when he was discharged. He returned to duty 28 September 1944 and probably met his unit in Luxembourg. He was wounded again probably in Germany about April 1945 or shortly after crossing the Rhine River. Was then sent on the Queen Elizabeth to Ft. Sam Houston, TX, where he was discharged. Thank you, Michael Adams at Unionrdg@aol.com. Posted 09 Apr 06

My father was Pfc Arthur Eiger. He was drafted in 1941, I believe. He served as a replacement soldier during the Battle of the Ardennes. He had the certificate that he served there. He also won the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He had been to a couple of reunions prior to his death in 1993. He was from Brooklyn NY, and had served in various other divisions prior to the 83rd Division. After the war he stayed to interrogate Nazi pows and SS troops. I remember not ever seeing him until I was almost 3 years old. Thank you all, Marlene Eiger at aeiger1068@earthlink.net. Posted 07 Apr 06

I would like to see if there is any information out there about my grandfather, Woodrow Knox of Athens, Ohio. He served in the 322nd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Division from 6/29/42 - 12/18/45 as a corporal. His service number was 35 407 722. His service record was lost in the fire at the records center in St. Louis. Any general information about the 322nd would also be appreciated. Don Knox at dknox@sw.rr.com. Posted 06 Apr 06

The family of Mannon Junior Gardner of D Company, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division, who died on August 16, 1944 in Normandy will be commemorating his life and sacrifice to his country on Saturday, May 20, 2006 near his home town of Glencoe in Northeast Alabama. Any veteran in or near the area who served in the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division would be a welcomed guest. For more information, contact Lynda (Gardner) Bentley, a sister at: JackieBentley@BellSouth.net. Posted 04 Apr 06

My Uncle, T/Sgt Hershel A. Metheny (6857125), age 33, was killed on December 11, 1944 according to his tombstone and family records. He was in Company F, 331st Infantry. A veteran of 10 years service, he was awarded the posthumus award of the Silver Star. Would anyone be able to help me to know more about him, or if anyone would remember him, or what medals he might have received. He has always been an inspiration to all who knew him and I would really appreciate anything at all. Thank you for any information about my Uncle. Delaine Tinsley at dennistinsley@comcast.net. Posted 01 Apr 06

Hqs Btry, 83rd Div Arty: I wonder if there are survivors of that crazy bunch of citizen soldiers? If there are any, I would enjoy hearing from them. Private Gerald M. Ward, e-mail addess: gjw104@aol.com. Posted 29 Mar 06

Just wondering if there is any information out there about replacement battalions in the ETO. I've learned that my dad was assigned to the 83rd Division from the 48th Replacement Battalion and I'm looking for info on that unit. Also looking for location of 110 Evac Hospital. Thanks. Jim Sansone at j12685@comcast.net. Posted 29 Mar 06

My Grandfather, Percy Glenn Peacock, served in Company A, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. Wounded and captured 5 Nov 1944 in Luxembourg with a man named Prussman. Spent several months in hospitals and POW camps. Liberated by the Russians in May 1945. If anyone knew Prussman or my Grandfather, I would appreciate information. I have part of his written accounting of the battle and capture. Martin Rogers at mar10r@comcast.net. Posted 27 Mar 06

My name is Charles Abdinoor, vice-chairman of the executive board of the 83rd Infantry Division Association. I am trying to get some information to the family of T/Sgt. (T-4) Richard Hartman. He and S/Sgt. Johnnie Whiting were killed around April in and around Bad Harzburg, Germany in 1945. I would appreciate it if anyone can help me pinpoint the date and location where this happened. They were along side me at that time. We also had considerable casulties that day. This was in A Company, 330th Infantry. Col. Norman Campbell was our battalion commander. This was in the Hartz Mountains. Many Thanks, CharlesAbdinoor at SGTCHUCK83rd@aol.com. Posted 18 Mar 06

Can you assist? We are gathering information about the 122nd and 107th US General Hospitals that were sited outside Kington, Herefordshire, UK as part of a community heritage project. We are recording local oral history about these hospitals in wartime and are keen to also contact any veterans who were treated here in 1944 and 1945. Preliminary research shows that the hospitals treated over 8,000 wounded, and I am presuming that some of these may/must have been from the 83rd Division. Our website is up and running and will develop as the project progresses. We would be very grateful to hear from anyone who has memories or information that will help us learn more about the hospitals and can be contacted at info@kingtoncamp.co.uk. With many thanks, Cressida Fforde. Posted 14 Mar 06

We are trying to find anyone who may have served with our father, William Shulman, serial number 42051671. He survived the war and is close to losing his fight with cancer at almost 92 years old. He was in the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry as a private, and after the war was assigned to the band as he played clarinet.He was awarded a Purple Heart. He can't remember his Company, which we are trying to find out. He trained in Ft. McClellan, Alabama, and then was assigned to the 331st Infantry. He enlisted in NY in Nov 1943, and recalls embarking from Massachusetts and landing in Scotland. We are trying to get a good history of my dad's WWII endeavor and pass it on to his grandchildren. Proud to serve, it wasn't until recently that he began to talk about his experiences. Please contact Fred Shulman at fshulman1@comcast.net. Posted 07 Mar 06

I am seeking information from any one who served with Staff SGT. Mannon Junior Gardner, 34393564, nickname: Gardner. He served in the 331st INF, 83rd DIV, Company D. He was mortally wounded in action in or near St. Lo, France and died on August 16, 1944. He had been awarded the Bronze Star in July, just a few days before his death. We would like to know more of the details surrounding his medal and his death. He was the first in a family of 11. All four of his brothers served in the Army. Hansel Gardner, the third brother in the family, served in the Army for 27 years. Please contact Lynda Bentley, a sister, at JackieBentley@BellSouth.net. Posted 06 Mar 06

The family of Staff Sgt. Mannon Junior Gardner of Anniston, Alabama is seeking anyone who served with their brother in the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division during WWII. He received the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart after his death in France on August 16, 1944. We are planning a memorial service for him on Saturday, May 20, 2006. If you knew him, we would like to arrange for your participation in the memorial. JackieBentley@BellSouth.net. Posted 05 Mar 06

I am looking for any info about my mother's first husband who was killed in the Battle of the Bulge on December 10, 1944. His name is Lewis H. Pharr. He was in the 83rd Infantry RECON. My E-mail address is wc1029@comcast.net. Posted 05 Mar 06

[Webmaster note: Sgt. Lewis H. Pharr, serial number 33378862 would have been in the battle of the Hurtgen Forest when he was KIA on 10 December. We are not certain of the exact location of the 83rd Recon Troop, but they most likely would have been at Gey, Germany with the 331st Infantry or at Strass, Germany with the 330th Infantry. We would appreciate hearing from anyone who has additional information.]

My father was George R. Hill from Winters, Texas. He left WWII as a 1st Lieutenant in the 83rd Infantry Division, 329th Infantry Regiment. I'm trying to find a Dr. Clifford from Buffalo, NY, who was a doctor with the 329th who took care of everyone when they were hurt. Dr. Clifford came to visit us when I was 12 years old in 1958 all the way from Buffalo to Winters, Texas. He went deer hunting with my dad soon after that. He had some daughters that were younger than me. I am now almost 60 years old, but I would love to reconnect with Dr. Clifford if he is still alive or his family. Please contact me at lclove@swbell.net. Posted 02 Mar 06

My brother Joe N. Carlton was killed in action at age 19 on July 13 1944. I have gotten some information as I have searched for 60 years, but came up with two versions of his location when killed. He was in the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Infantry Regiment. I cannot find what his company was, but I know he was possibly killed in Sainteny, France. I have been told he was taking refuge in a church, then I was told he was coming into land and was killed in swampland. I would love to get any information that anyone might have about him. Sue Gantt at sgantt30 @aol.com. Posted 19 Feb 06

I am trying to locate as much information as I can about Sgt. James V. Flanagan. I am unsure of his service during his time in the 83rd Division, but do know that he had prior service in the 26th Division, 328th Infantry. Any help at all would be appreciated. He was a New Yorker who settled in Northern Virginia sometime after the war. Thanks, Keith Dominick at Ffzouave@aol.com. Posted 19 Feb 06

I'm trying to collect as much information as possible (pictures, personal stories, etc.) from members of the 83rd Division, concerning the period they stayed in the city of Roermond, Holland in 1945. Every bit of information is welcome! Thank you very much. With kind regards, Koen Dohmen, Haarweg, The Netherlands. koen.dohmen@gmail.com. Posted 16 Feb 06

We recently lost another great American, Pfc John Linville Gilpin of Campbellsville, Ky. Passed away on 7 February 06. Our family is trying to put together some WWII information for the grandchildren so when they are old enough they can understand the sacrifices these men went through. Pfc John Gilpin was with Company C, 772nd Tank Destroyer Battalion in Europe and saw action in three campaigns during the war. If there is anyone out there with more information on him we would be forever grateful if you could share this with us. Pfc Gilpin would not discuss the war and we really feel that there is alot of information we would like to know. Respectfully Yours, SSgt.USAF James L. Larimore at Jim.Larimore@necchurch.org. Posted 16 Feb 06

[Webmaster note: the 772nd Tank Destroyer Battalion was attached to the 83rd Division from 22 Dec. 1944 to 1 Jan. 1945.]

I am seeking any information about my uncle, PFC Herbert E. Sullivan, 83rd Infantry Division, 330th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion, HQ Co., killed in action 15 July 1944 St. Lo. Please email me with any info to tasulliv@co.dekalb.ga.us. Posted 13 Feb 06

I am looking for any info about my Brother who was killed at St. Lo France on August 8, 1944. His name is Sgt. Edward Lee Macon. I am S/Sgt. George T. Macon, Sr. My E-mail address is macongeorge@bellsouth.net. Posted 12 Feb 06

[Webmaster note: We found Sgt. Edward L. Macon listed on the American Battle Monuments Commission search engine. He was in the 330th Infantry Regiment of the 83rd Division, and his serial number was 34394024. On August 8th, the 330th Infantry was fighting in the battle for St. Joseph's Fortress, also called St. Joseph Hill, just outside the city of St. Malo in Brittany.]

It is with great sadness that I share the passing of my grandfather, William Dale Hooiser, on January 25, 2006. He was so proud to have been a member of the 83rd Division . Many of you called him Bill, and some knew him as Dale. If anyone has any stories to share about him please email them to me at Sbrooks@phonetree.com, and I will share them with his wife of 59 years. I know they would be a comfort to her. I am proud to be the grand-daughter of a Patriot and thank each of you who served for the sacrifices you have made. God Bless! Posted 07 Feb 06

[Webmaster note: William Dale Hooiser was a member of F Company, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. This website is very much a part of his story. He will be greatly missed.]

Dear friends of the 83rd Infantry, my name is Eddy Monfort. I live in the Ardennes (Belgium), in the village of MALEMPRE that was liberated by your unit during the Battle of the Bulge on January 3rd, 1945. I would like write a book about the events and more particularly about the 83rd Infantry Division during the counter attack of January 1945 - from 3rd to 20th January 1945. I was in College Park (MD) - National Archives a few months ago where I found some information. So, I would like to collect more details and find out if my information is correct. I'm looking for testimony of veterans that participated at the liberations of the villages in the Bulge. If you fought in LIERNEUX - FRAITURE - OTTRE - BIHAIN - LANGLIRE - BOVIGNY - STERPIGNY sectors etc... I will be so happy to be in touch with you. I research all information about these three very bad weeks in the snow and the cold. Please write me, just a few sentences will be very important in my research! My book would have for a title "The snow and the blood - Three weeks of fighting with the 83rd Infantry Division and 3rd Armored Division in January 1945". In advance, Thank you, Eddy Monfort at e.monfort@belgacom.net. Posted 03 Feb 06

My Dad's brother was a member of the 83rd Division and was KIA 9-Aug-44 . His name is Alfred L Baldwin, service # 34855022. Any information to the events of this day and how he may have been killed can be emailed to me at jeffbdc@skybest.com. Thanks. Jeff Baldwin. Posted 01 Feb 06

My cousin, Pvt. Otto Eduard Sass, served in the 557th Infantry, 83rd Division during World War One. He was killed 7 Oct 1918 in France during the final days of World War One. I would like to know about the unit history and accomplishments of the 557th Infantry. I have been able to find nothing in my research of the 557th Infantry. I find a lot of information about the 83rd, but little written about the 557th. Can anyone direct my search or provide any information about the 557th, even as basic as to the location of thier battles? I can be reached at kinfind@aol.com. Many thanks, Ernie Misch. Posted 01 Feb 06

Richard Allen Dickson, S/SGT, B Co, 329th RCT, aged 83 years, died on January 21, 2005 (last year) in his home in Montague, New Jersey. He suffered from a long cardiac illness. Richard wrote an account of his war experience in the short story entitled From Omaha to St. Malo and can be read at this website: http://www.atomic.pair.com/wwii/dickson.html. His wife, Evelyn Leonard Dickson now resides at Briston Glen nursing home in Newton, New Jersey. Any correspondance may be sent to their daughter, Laurel at laureldave@comcast.net. Posted 30 Jan 06

My father-in-law Hazen Lloyd served as a T/Sgt in Company A, 329th Regiment from its inception in Oct 42 until his return in Dec 45. He was thankfully a bit of a pack rat and I have pieced together a pretty good history including the names of 400+ members who served in Company A during that period. I know there are a many people out there looking for info and I would be happy to pass on what I have and would be interested in hearing from anyone with additional information on the unit. I also have several early issues of the Thunderbolt and the 83rd Spearhead which was published during the war. I can be contacted at steven.burchell@comcast.net. Posted 24 Jan 06

If you have a relative who is buried at the American Cemetery in the Netherlands (Margraten) and you wish to contact the Dutch citizen who adopted his grave, you can contact the Adoption Committee through either of these email addresses: jhmgpurnot@home.nl (Jo Purnot) or st.adoptie.graven@margraten.nl. You must provide your loved one's name, date of death, and other information, and ask the Committee to put you in contact with the Dutch citizen who adopted that grave. You may also want to look at these websites that honor those buried at Margraten. You may also submit information and photos of your loved one to these websites: http://www.fieldofstories.com, http://www.fallennotforgotten.nl, and http://www.basher82.nl. (Submitted by Debbie Holloman; contact her at daholloman@hotmail.com if more information is needed).

Also, the American World War II Orphans Network (AWON) has a program that places wreaths every Memorial Day at many of the American Cemeteries around the world. The wreath contains the names of the AWON members fathers who are buried at the particular cemetery. Arrangements for the flowers and participation in the Memorial Day ceremonies are handled by volunteers in the country where the cemetery is located. For more information, see http://www.awon.org and click on Memorials. Posted 18 Jan 06

I was a deck boy on the troopship RMS Orion when in April 1944 we took troops of the 83rd Infantry Division and 308th Engineers Combat Battalion aboard to sail for England. I was wondering if any of these men are are still around? I was just 17 on the 31st March 1944, and I used to go below on their decks and watch them play poker and would sometimes take them coffee. It wold be good to know of the men who returned. My Best Regards, Derrick P Corfield at d.p.corfield@btinternet.com. Posted 18 Jan 06

The latest edition of the Thunderbolt Magazine was mailed to 83rd Division Association members a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, the printer had a problem with the mailing labels, and the Post Office returned many of the copies to Editor Cliff Wooldridge. Cliff says that he is busy trying to straighten out the problem with the Post Office, and any members who have not yet received their copy of the magazine should receive it in the next week or two. Posted 11 Jan 06

Could any one supply me any information about Charles Knighton Jr.? Charles is my Great, Great Uncle. He served in the 83rd Division, 331st infantry, Company F. Charles was a PFC and served from October 1942-October 27th 1945. His Decorations are: Purple Heart, Bronze Star, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign medal (w/4 Stars), Combat Infantry Badge, WW2 Victory Medal, WW2 Service Lapel Button, Sharpshooter Badge W/Rifle Bar, American Campaign Medal. Thanks, Brian Ricks at specopsbuff@earthlink.net. Posted 09 Jan 06

I am looking for any information regarding my great uncle, PFC Robert (Bobby) E. Doherty, who was in the 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division and was killed in France August 10, 1944. I know that he is buried in Brittany American Cemetery. He was 39 yrs. old when he died. Any info would be appreciated. Maggie at leo_lady_8@yahoo.com. Thank you. Posted 07 Jan 06

I was doing some research on my grandfather at the WWII Memorial in Washington D.C. and saw that a PFC John T. DiMauro was killed in action during the war. I was intrigued because that is my name (including middle initial) as well. I've done some research (getting most of my info from this site) and learned that he was in the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division probably killed in Belgium. If anyone has any other information on this man, please email me at jdimauro@stny.rr.com. Thank you, John T. DiMauro. Posted 02 Jan 06

[Webmaster note: PFC John T. DiMauro is listed in the 331st casualty lists as missing in action on 13 January 1945, so we assume that he was killed on this date and his remains recovered later. PFC DiMauro's serial number was 42132279.]


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