83rd Division "Thunderbolt" Message Board

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Thunderbolt Message Board

This basic message board offers the opportunity to list the name of the 83rd veteran or unit you are seeking information about, along with your name and email address. If you would like a listing here, send a brief email by clicking here, with as much pertinent information as possible (veteran name, rank, military id number, company or unit, dates served, etc.) Other listings can include announcements of meetings and reunions of 83rd veterans, or other information that would be at least of general interest to the 83rd Division.

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The cover article in the January/February 2006 issue of World War II magazine is "Surprised Outside Strass," by William L. Devitt. Mr. Devitt was a platoon leader in E Company, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division, and the article describes his experiences during the battle for the village of Strass in December 1944. The article is based on material from his book "Shavetail: The Odyssey of an Infantry Lieutenant in World War II." Posted 18 Dec 05

I am looking for information on my great grand father Pfc. Calvin D. Sikes. I got a copy of his discharge records from our home town in Carthage, MS, and it said he was a member of A Company, 330th Infantry, and it stated that he was in Ardennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. Due to further investigation and research through family photographs, I compared the unit patch on his class A's to the one of the 83rd, and it was the same one. If anyone could give me just a little bit of information on him, I would be obliged. My name is PV2 Jimmy D. Sikes Jr., MS. National Guard, and thanks for the information. Email address: southern_rebel_1861@yahoo.com. Posted 09 Dec 05

I'm looking for information on PFC David Frances Anderson, killed near St. Lo July 17, 1944. He was with the 330th Infantry, Company F. He is buried in the American Cemetery, Blosville, France. He was from Newark,DE. My email is wdixon@bluecrab.org. Posted 09 Dec 05

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of 1/Sgt George P. Terhanko, F Company, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Mr. Terhanko, 93, of Austintown, Ohio, passed away Sunday morning, December 4, 2005, at Beegly Oaks Nursing Home after a short illness. Mr. Terhanko was born May 26, 1912 in Mount Pleasant, PA, a son of George J. and Mary A. (Sofranko) Terhanko. A decorated World War II veteran Mr. Terhanko served with the 83rd Infantry Division, 331st IR, Company F from October 13, 1942 to July 24, 1945. Mr. Terhanko earned the rank of 1st Sergeant and fought in the battles of Normandy, Northern France, The Ardennes, Central Europe, and The Rhineland. His decorations include the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters, the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 5 Bronze Stars, the World War II Victory Medal, the Army of Occupation Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Presidential Unit Citation, the Meritorious Unit Citation, and the Good Conduct Medal. In May of 2005 Mr. Terhanko was inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor. George retired from the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company after 38 years in 1975, where he was an Inspector at their Salem Plant. Prior to that he was a Meat Department Manager in various local A&P stores. He was a member of the Wickliffe Christian Church in Austintown and enjoyed golfing. His wife, the former Ruth I. McMeans, whom he married June 11, 1949, passed away August 6, 1999. Mr. Terhanko is survived by a son, G. Richard (Linda) Terhanko of Boardman; a daughter, Marta R. (George) Swauger of Austintown; two grandaughters, Nicole M. and Alexis C. Terhanko, both of Boardman; and two grandsons, George and Adam Swauger of Austintown. Besides his wife, George was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers John and Edward and a sister Mary Graham. Posted 08 Dec 05

I have read with great interest the descriptions of the path of liberation through Europe. I was particularly interested about the description made of the fighting of 5 November 1944, when the 83rd Division, as part of Operation UNICORN, took Le Stromberg Hill near Basse Kontz after extended fighting and defeated several counterattacks. In this description it is mentioned that the Division headed towards RUDLING.... This place is basically composed of one large manor in the middle of the vineyards, property which I bought a year and a half ago. I have been trying to reconstitute the history of this place, but this has been very difficult mainly due to the lack of information during the war period. I know from older residents from the area that the Manor was used as a country hospital by the Germans and then was occupied by US soldiers while trying to enter into Germany (on the other side of the Mosel river). I address myself to you in the hope to obtain some further information about the members of the 83rd Division that might have been stationed in the RUDLING Manor during that time. Please write me at rudlingen@internet.lu. Regards, Italo di Lorenzo. Posted 28 Nov 05

As the newly elected member of the Executive Board, my first priority is to get descendants to be able to join and hold national office in our Association. I am enclosing an article about the 83rd that appeared in my local paper, The Eagle-Tribune. I did not expect it to be on the front page. If you want to use this as a subject for the website, you have my permission. We, as an association are losing too many. We need you people to continue our history and tradition. Let me know if I can help in any way. Sincerely, Chuck Abdinoor, B & A Companies, 330th IR, Vice Chair, 83rd Infantry Division Association. Posted 28 Nov 05

[Webmaster note: Descendants interested in joining and/or participating in the 83rd Division Association should contact Cliff Wooldridge, East Side Drive, P.O. Box 406, Alton Bay, NH 03810.]

The 60th annual reunion of the 83rd Infantry Division Association will be held at Brown Country Inn, Nashville, IN (just a few miles southwest of Camp Atterbury). Dates for the reunion are August 23-26, 2006. Reservations can be made at the Brown Country Inn by calling 800-772-5249. We have been told that the inn has only 99 rooms, so make your reservations early. (Although there is another hotel across the street to handle any overflow.) Posted 28 Nov 05

I'm looking for any info on my dad Francis (Frank) Otto Barham. He was in the 83rd Division in WWII and got the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Don't know much else. He was born April 10, 1918 and died December 11, 2001. He was an Army vet for 30 years and is buried at Arlington. Bruce Barham at barhamb001@hawaii.rr.com. Posted 22 Nov 05

My great uncle, Frances (Frank) N. Powers, service number 31197571 according to his Ordnance Replacement Training Center name tag, was a member of the 83rd Infantry. He was declared missing in action on 11 Dec 44, a POW in Apr 45, and released to military authorities on 1 May 45. He was rumored to have been wounded while serving in a forward unit just prior to the Battle of the Bulge. We have copies of the War Department telegrams declaring his status, and his POW camp tag and some POW camp money. However, we know little about his service during WWII (rumored to have fallen off a tank at some point, also to have declined a field commission) or the details of his capture. Frank died in 1991. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Ruth Grayson Scott at regscott@cox.net. Posted 14 Nov 05

[Webmaster note: The following message concerns a veteran who served with the 83rd Division in the First World War. It is an unusual request, but I thought that it would be interesting to include here.]

My cousin Pvt. Otto Eduard Sass served in World War I in the 557th Infantry, 83rd Division and was killed October 7, 1918 in France during the final days of the war. I would like to know about the unit history and accomplishments of the 557th Infantry. I have been able to find nothing in my research of the 557th Infantry. I find a lot of information about the 83rd but little written about the 557th. Can anyone direct my search or provide any information about the 557th, even as basic as to the location of their battles? I can be reached at kinfind@aol.com. Many thanks...... Ernie Misch. Posted 14 Nov 05

My service provider, NCWeb, had a major server crash on October 31st. It appears that all pages on the Brothers-In-Arms website now are up and available, but if you notice any missing pages or photos or any other problems with the website, please let me know at davecurry@ncweb.com. The folks at NCWeb are great people to work with, and this is the only instance that I can recall in the past six years that this website has been down. It is an enviable reliability record. Posted 03 Nov 05

My great-uncle was Captain Frank D. Tyrrell, aka Delos and Terry (0394383). He was with the 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. I have scanned images of many letters he wrote to his family in Bancroft, SD during the war; they provide a sketchy timeline of events and places, but little on the men with whom he served. I am unsure which company he was in. Any information would be greatly appreciated. If someone wants a copy of the letters, I would be happy to send them. (Frank Tyrrell passed away in 1995.) Lisa Perry at lisaperryjd@yahoo.com. Posted 28 Oct 05

[Webmaster note: Captain Frank Tyrrell was the S-3 Officer for the 3rd Battalion of the 331st Infantry.]

Did anybody know my Uncle, Tech Sgt. Warren Campbell? He was KIA July 26, 1944 at St. Lo. He was awarded the Silver Star for actions that led to his death. He was from Western Pennsylvania. John W. Gelestor at john.w.gelestor@usps.gov. Posted 12 Oct 05

[Webmaster note: According to the 83rd Division list of battle deaths, T/Sgt. Warren C. Campbell was in the 329th Infantry Regiment.]

I am looking for the infant to whom my grandfather belonged. Nicholas D. Kotsis served in Europe, received 2 purple hearts and 3 bronze stars. I have reason to believe it was the 83rd Division. If you have any information on this matter it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Vassi Kotsis-Horn at VLCNOGIRL@aol.com. Posted 11 Oct 05

My Father, Anson Willard, served with the 83rd Infantry Division, Company H, 331st Infantry Regiment during WWII. He has a photograph of his company. However, through the years of packing and moving it has become quite wrinkled. He would love a copy of the photograph. Does anyone know where I could get a copy? Helen Bicknell at hbickhig@pop.k12.vt.us. Posted 05 Oct 05

My uncle, Capt. Louis Gitzelter from Brooklyn, NY was a doctor assigned to the 329th Infantry Regiment in late 1944. Would like to get in touch with anyone who knew him. Ray Banker at Monfar@aol.com. Posted 02 Oct 05

My Grandfather was Walter Lloyd Bowie - he served in H Company of the 331st Infantry, 83rd Infantry Division. He came in as a replacement after D-Day, and served through the end of the war. He passed away in July of 1997, and never spoke about his service. I am looking for any information about H Company in general - I would like to find a history of H Company's movements through Europe, but am having a difficult time finding something like that. I have found lots of history on the 83rd and on the 331st, but would like to get in touch with anyone who served in H Company, or who could lead me to information about that unit. I can be contacted at pricefamily2424@yahoo.com. Posted 20 Sept 05

I am looking for anyone who served in the Headquarters Battery, Division Artillery, 83rd Division. I am looking for guys who served from October-May of 1942-43. I was stationed at Camp Atterbury, Ind. Please respond to gjw104@aol.com. Posted 15 Sept 05

I am looking for anyone who might have some information on my Grandfather, Sergeant Lawrence Scheller. He served with the 3rd Battalion, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. Sadly, he died before I was able to meet him, and my Father said that he spoke little of his days in the Army. Our family knows very little information about him, little more than he was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge. If anyone has any information about him, we would love to hear it. My email address is expos27@juno.com. Thanks for any information you can give, and since I couldn't thank my Grandfather, I thank all of you Veterans for helping to protect the freedoms that we still enjoy today. Thank you for serving America! Posted 13 Sept 05

I am seeking any information on my father, PFC James J. (Jimmy) Doyle of Massachusetts, SN 31 305 202. He was a Signal Soldier, but I'm not sure of his unit. He served with the 83rd Division from before Normandy to the Rhine. If anyone can fill in unit details or any other information on my dad please contact Ken Doyle at kpd0458@juno.com. Thank you, Kenneth Doyle. Posted 05 Sept 05

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew or served with my Father, PFC Nicholas L. Marciano. I believe he was in Company I and also Service Company, 331st Infantry Regiment. He was wounded at St.Lo. Thank you, Nicholas A. Marciano at Nick10Ring@aol.com. Posted 31 Aug 05

My grandfather, Frank Gillett fought in WWII in the 83rd Infantry Division. He was in Normandy and served in the Army for about 3 years. I do not know much more than that about his time in the Army. If anyone could provide any information about him I would appreciate it. Thank you., Carole Corio at Carolecori@aol.com. Posted 23 Aug 05

I am looking for any info on Weldon W.D. Stevens. I found the listing of Pvt. 38641082 Infantry on a list from Headquarters of the 97th General Hospital APO 204, U.S. Army dated July 26, 1944. Weldon W.D. Stevens is listed under the heading of 2. It states that this is "The following named Officers and Enlisted Men are awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action in the European area on the dates specified. His date is listed as July 17, 1944. An old newspaper article held by my surviving mother-in-law is headed "Wounded Sulphur Bluff Boy at Temple Hospital." It states that Weldon went overseas on June 14, 1944 to England. He then went to France on July 5, 1944 and saw his first action on July 8th. He was wounded on July 17, 1944 near St. Lo. He was pinned down by artillery, machine gun, and rifle fire while making attack. He was hit by a rifle bullet, receiving a nerve injury and fracture of the right arm. He took sulfa pills and crawled back to the aid station which was about 600 yards. It took him two hours to go that distance. I tried to obtain info from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, but they have sent me back a form for more info. My deceased father-in-law apparently didn't talk much about his service. The family is left now to wonder about many details and would so appreciate knowing more.I did find a letter "To all members of the 83rd Division" with a heading of The Thunderbolt 83rd Infantry Division Association which led me to this website. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Mrs. Gary Stevens at slcstevens@direcway.com. Posted 20 Aug 05

Lt. Sylvester B. Smith, Company "F," 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division has gone home to meet his "Band of Brothers." Lt. Smith died this morning, Wednesday, 17 Aug 2005 at around 0300. Cards can be sent to his home at 522 Woodland Dr., Buffalo, NY 14223-1745. Burial will be in his hometown of Medina, NY on Monday, 22 Aug 05. One of his daughters said that he has a plot already set out next to his parents. Thank you again and please post. Sincerely, Conrad Johnson at lcjj@wzrd.com. Posted 17 Aug 05

PFC Daniel Mahoney, 31287180, was my uncle. He was a member of "K" Company, 330th Inf. Reg., 83rd Division. He was KIA in late Feb or early Mar of 1945. My grandmother saved all of his letters, V-mail, until her death. My mother inherited those letters and kept them until her recent passing. I recently came into posession of these letters. All I know of my uncle is what my grandmother told me as a child: My uncle was a bazooka man and was killed by a German machine gun while attacking a house. How she was made aware of this information I don't know. If anyone remembers my uncle and/or the circumstances surrounding his death please contact me at ctassone@ com. Thank You for your help, Craig Tassone. Posted 17 Aug 05

I am helping a very nice man try to find others that may have served with him. His name is Carlton Ely and he was in M Company, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He would like to know if anyone knows of friends or family of a Mac Alexander Jr. He intends to go to the reunion in Paducah in September. The best way to contact him is through me at lucknnikki@yahoo.com. Posted 16 Aug 05

My name is Mark McDonald and I have a WWII Nazi flag or banner, size, about 4 ft. X 20 ft. The U S Army unit who captured it put the names and unit on it, which was Company C, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division ,1st Platoon with 3 Squads but there was no date. I am trying to find out the history or story behind the flag, where it was captured and the approximate date. The C.O. was 2nd Lt. R. A. Pallnow, Staff Sergeants William Seavy and Leon W. England, Sergeants George Grubba, Albert F. Hahn, and William Parks. Medic Pfc. Lester Holland, Pfc. James Brown, Rocco Catalfano, John Brittingham, Claude Tate, Harvy Bahser, Edward Casper, Philip Christopher, Kenneth Smith, Robert Kriss, Paul Broxholm, Leo Renauld, Robert Ramalser, Sam Adams, Jay Choplow, James J. Harkins, E. Miller, A. Osario, L. McDowell, A. B. Crump, J. Chakus, J. Ellis, C. Boyd, R. Lofty, C. Farley, R. Half, W. Lockhart, and W.Leffel. Any information or help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You. Send info to ffmcdonald260@aol.com Posted 15 Aug 05

I am writing for Mr. Sim Wright of Sumter, SC. He very much would like to attend the 83rd Division Association Reunion in Kentucky, but needs a driver. He offers to pay all expenses, including lodging in Kentucky if someone would ride with him. Sim was a platoon Sgt. in G Company, 330th Infantry of the 83rd Division. He landed in France with the 83rd Division, and fought until the troops reached Dusseldorf. His telephone number is 803-773-3651. Thanks to anyone who can help him out. Lynn H. Hackett, MD, Dorn VA Hospital. Posted 11 Aug 05

My Dad was a member of the 83rd Division. His name was Robert Cory Rush. He was wounded and if my memory serves me, he spent time in a VA hospital in Virginia Beach. Sadly to say, I know little else regarding his Company and any other info. Also more troubling is that everything I had of my father's was recently lost in a moving-truck fire along with everything else I owned. Among the things that I lost were all the pictures he brought back, his Eisenhower jacket, ribbons, dog tags, and CIB. I also lost his flag that was draped on his coffin when he died in 1997. He had me much later in his life, and although I knew my father was a soldier in WWII, I really did not grasp the magnitude of his service until I became a service member. All of his possessions meant the world to me because they meant so much to him. I feel obligated now more than ever to find out all I can about his unit and when and how he served. If anyone can offer any advice on how to start I would appreciate it. Guy Rush at therushs@snip.net . Posted 09 Aug 05

I'm looking for anyone who served or can remember anything about my Great-Uncle, Pvt. Carl M. Burroughs. He was in Company I, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Div. I'm trying to find out what he did (MOS) and how he was wounded on Aug 7 1944, and how he died on Aug 23 1944 (DOW?). Any information would be helpful. grambr1@msn.com. Posted 07 Aug 05

Looking for any info about Vincent E. (Bill) Berkman, C Company, 330th Infantry. He was old for light weapons infantryman. He sometimes carried a bazooka and destroyed some armor. Combat in Belgium and Germany. After VE, he had occupation duty at Flossenberg. At time of honorable discharge was Staff Sergeant. Contact son, Vincent Conrad Berkman at ftb33@netzero.com or w9oes@arrl.net. Posted 03 Aug 05

Looking for information regarding my brother, Pvt. James S. Izzarelli, ID #31328323, DOB July 6, 1924. He entered the U.S. Armed Services on May 22, 1943. He died from combat wounds on Dec. 3, 1944 in Belgium. He was in the 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. We are traveling in Europe at the end of August and would like to visit the site of the battle or military cemetery where he was buried. Contact Samuel F. Izzarelli, Sr. at illisizz@aol.com. Posted 01 Aug 05

I am looking for anyone with information about my Grandfather, Pvt. Taylor Bowling. He served in the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry. He was killed July 19, 1944 in France. If anyone has photos or information, please contact Douglas Bowling at dndandmaggieb@swbell.net. Thank you. Posted 30 July 05

Michael Connely has just finished writing a new book about his father's unit in World War II. The Mortarmen is the epic and never before told story of the 87th Chemical Mortar Battalion. On December 6, 1944 as the 83rd Division entered the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest, A Company of the 87th was attached to provide fire support for the 330th Infantry Regiment. It and other companies later supported the 329th and 331st Regiments. The men of the 87th landed on Utah Beach on D-Day with their 4.2-in. mortars and quickly became one of the most sought after fire support units in the European Theater of Operations (ETO). They fought for 326 straight days and were in almost every major battle in France, Belgium, and Germany. Their mortars placed devastating fire on the enemy from the beaches of Normandy to the Cherbourg Peninsula, and from Aachen and the Hurtgen Forest to the Battle of the Bulge. The 292-page book is available from Trafford Publishing. You can find more information about the book by visiting the Trafford website. Posted 28 July 05
[Webmaster note: The 4.2-in chemical mortar had a rifled barrel, increasing its range and accuracy compared to other mortars. Artillery forward observers and spotter planes were often used to direct their fire onto the target.]

Looking for anyone who knew my cousin, Thomas Colapietro, Company B, 329th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. jamesperrone@hotmail.com. Posted 27 July 05

On Saturday, 17 July, the 83d lost another good man. Sgt Lou Volpi (324th FA Bn, A Battery) passed away in Haverford, PA. Lou was a close friend of my Dad, S/Sgt Samuel J. Bifano (324th FA Bn, B Battery) and was my sponsor for Confirmation. Lou served as the President of the 83d Association in the early 1970's and was the driving force behind the Philadelphia Chapter for years until his health began to fail. Over the years whenever an 83d vet was down on his luck, Lou was always there to help in any way he could and with any resource he had. He's joined the other 83d vets for another reunion in Heaven. Hey, Lou--God Bless, say hello to my Dad and tell him I love him. John Bifano at Lueandbiff@aol.com. Posted 20 July 05

I have just started research on my Dad's history with the 83rd Division, but he was in the 395th Infantry. My Father, George E. Stamp, 333 378 348, was wounded in Normandy July 44 and wounded again in Germany in April 45. His brother also served, but not in same Infantry. Please contact me at sstampanderson@ao.com. Thanks for any input. Susan Stamp Anderson. Posted 14 July 05
[Webmaster note: We suspect that George E. Stamp served with the 83rd Division in Normandy, and then was transferred to the 395th Infantry (99th Division) when he recovered from his wounds.]

I am a good friend of Lt. Sylvester B. Smith and came from his home town of Medina, NY. His daughter put his information on the WWII Memorial website, but she did not have his Company. It was "F" Company, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. He received quite a few awards. His wife, Eleanor, said Syl was at the last reunion in Ohio. Right now Syl is in Kenmore Mercy Hospital, Kenmore,NY, suffering from an intestinal problem. He has been there eight days now and the doctors have not done anything to relieve his pain. Other bad thing is he has partial Parkinsons and can not speak. He is now 85 and soon 86, but his mind and desires are still strong, but he can't do anything about it and that frustrates him. Maybe any remaining members of the 83rd Division can send him a get well note. If you would like to send a get well card or pass along your best wishes to Sylvester Smith, please send them to his home address: 522 Woodland Dr., Buffalo, NY 14223-1745. Conrad Johnson at lcjj@wzrd.com. Posted 07 July 05

I am seeking information on my Father, Wilbur "Bill" K. Moats of Philippi/Moatsville, WV, who was in the 83rd Infantry Division, 330th Infantry Regiment, Company D. He served as a machine gunner and was in the following campaigns: Northern France, Ardennes, Rhineland, and Central Europe. Dad passed away in 1970. I am hoping that some of Dad's friends and colleagues may have information pertaining to his World War II service, experiences, photographs and anecdotes. If any of you remember my Father and are willing to share pictures or anecdotes concerning him, I can be reached at remcgee@ma.rr.com. Thank you in advance for your help and thank you for your efforts in winning the European component of the war. Eilene McGee. Posted 01 July 05

I am seeking information about Pfc. G. L. Goff, Co. F, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division from Savannah, TN. Trained at Camp Atterbury, with 331st at Omaha Beach, killed July 11, 1944. Larry Goff at larryg357@yahoo.com . Posted 24 June 05

I am seeking information on my Father, S/Sgt. Ronald ("Ronnie) E. Subaugh, who was operations NCO for Headquarters Co., 1st Battalion, 331st Infantry, 83rd Infantry Division. He was with the 331st from June 1942 through VE Day, May 1945. After the end of the war in Europe, Dad was reassigned to the 394th Regiment, 99th Infantry Division as part of the Allied Army of Occupation. He was separated from service on 9 Nov 1945 at Fort Meade, MD. He fought throughout the battles of Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, the Battle of the Bulge (for which he received a battlefield commission as Captain), and Central Europe. Much of his memorabilia was destroyed in a house fire in the 1970's, including his uniforms, decorations, pictures, maps and other keepsakes. My Father died shortly after this fire, and my family and I are attempting to recreate his service records, along with his awards and decorations. I have only a photocopy of his original discharge papers. We are hoping that some of my Father's former friends and colleagues may have information pertaining to our Dad's World War II service, and may be able to point us in the right direction toward recreating his experiences and help with photographs or anecdotes concerning Dad. If any of you remember my Father, and are willing to share pictures or anecdotes concerning him, I can be reached at rsurbaugh@comcast.net. I would like to thank in advance all you former "Thunderbolts" who were so instrumental in the winning of the European component of the war, for your willingness to help us "piece together" my Father's war record, for the benefit of his family, and all posterity. Roger D. Surbaugh. Posted 23 June 05

I am looking for information about Sgt. Richard Dowen Byrd who served in the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry as a mortar gunner. He landed at Utah Beach June 20, 1944 and survived the war. He passed away in 1999. Thanks Danny Byrd at drbyrd@sbmu.net. Posted 20 June 05

I am writing on behalf of my Grandfather Gerald Stevens, who recently passed away. He was from Detroit, Michigan, and was a survivor of the Battle of the Bulge and several other combat campaigns. My Grandfather was in Company I, 330th Infantry, 83rd Division. His active duty date was March 12, 1943. He made Corporal on June 1, 1943 and was assigned to Company I by a Captain of the 422nd Infantry. Separation was out of Camp Atterbury, Indiana. He was wounded on July 16, 1944 in France, and then again on Jan. 5, 1945 in Belgium. I remember him telling many stories about the Black Forest and sleeping under tanks to stay warm and digging their way out of the snow. Please send info to turner2475@charter.net. Thanks. Posted 19 June 05

Looking for anyone who might have known Private Harold Hughlett, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division buried at Henri Chapelle Cemetery. Died in Hurtgen Forest 10 Dec 1944 in or near the village of Strass. Anne Espino at anne4him@yahoo.com. Posted 13 June 05

I am writting to you on behalf of my father Herbert E. Rohrscheib, the brother of Pvt. Andrew Rohrscheib who was in F Company, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. Andrew was killed in action while Herbert was fighting in Germany. Andrew died in Gey Germany on Dec. 10th or 11th 1944. Before that he was in a hospital in England due to injuries to his right arm and left leg. He was drafted out of Tell City, IN. A man called Brent Luther was a friend. He went to Camp Atterbury, IN and from there he was at Camp Breckinridge KY, and then sent overseas. I don't know the medals he recieved because, as you know, the records got burned in St. Louis in the 70's. Thank you for any information you may have. RhrschbMrF@aol.com. Posted 13 June 05

[Webmaster's note: The 331st Infantry after-action reports indicate that Pvt. Andrew H. Rohrscheib, ASN 35708432, was killed in action on 11 January 1945. Since Pvt. Rohrscheib was in F Company/331st Infantry, it is quite possible that he was killed at the Massacre at Ottre.]

Every Memorial Day weekend, AWON (American World War II Orphans Network) holds wreath laying ceremonies at American Battle Monuments Commission overseas cemeteries. One of those ceremonies was held at Henri-Chapelle Cemetery in Belgium. You can see photos of the ceremony by clicking here . You can find links to the other AWON ceremonies by clicking here. Posted 11 June 05

I'm writing on the behalf of M. Bertrand Marcel, from Dinan (France). He is a French veteran who served together with 2nd Lt. Joe Sheldon Cubberly (83rd Signal Company) from July 1944 to August 1945 (France/ Belgium/Luxembourg/Germany/Austria). Mister Cubberley became a Lt. while in 331st Infantry. M. Bertrand would be extremely pleased to get in touch with his friend after so many years. The last news we had is he was still in New Nersey (Trenton) on the 14th May 1946. His last known address (59 years ago !) was: 114 Rading Ave, Trenton 8, New Jersey. Anyone who has any information about Lt. Cubberly can contact me at jobseb@caramail.com. Thank you, Sebastien LE SCOUR. Posted 11 June 05

I am currently writing a book regarding the 83rd's 331st. Combat Group and I am concentrating on the Anti-Tank Company. My Grandfather, Pvt. Robert A. White, served with this company throughout the war. He was from Georgia, big man (6'3"). He had several strokes before passing away. The last time I ever spoke with him I asked him what weapon he carried during the war. He sat straight up with a big smile on his face and said loudly, B - A- R. He then rolled over and went to sleep. He passed on shortly after. If anyone served with this company or has any information please contact me. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. Mitch White at mwhite567@aol.com. Posted 02 June 05

I am William Duke, the son of Robert Wesley Duke who served as the 83rd Infantry Division G3 in 1945. He passed away in January 2003. If you knew my Dad, or have any information or pictures of him from WWII, please contact me at dukew@benning.army.mil. Thank you. Posted 01 June 05

I am looking for information about Corporal James Hentschel, 83rd Division, 330th Infantry Regiment, killed December 23, 1944 near Malmedy. He is buried at Margraten. Email: r.wozniak@mcleodusa.net. Posted 31 May 05

My father, John F. Biskupski (Bishop) served in the 83rd from the division's landing at Normandy, through the armistice. He passed on over 30 years ago, and am not able to obtain any records. Would like to hear from any of his comrades, or any other info. John Biskupski at poltexcw@sbcglobal.net. Posted 27 May 05

My father was Sgt. Frank K. Kitselman. I'm proud of his actions for serving our country in the 83rd Division. Does anyone have any information on him, or served with my father? My mother is still living, and would like to put together information for the family before it is too late. I was in Viet Nam, Army 1969 - 70. Thanks, Charles Kitselman at kitsc@csonline.net. Posted 23 May 05

I am looking for info/stories about my Grandfather and his combat buddies; he told me some pretty good (awesome) stories. His name was Bernard A. Hirte. He fought in the Bulge (83rd Div., 331st Reg., Co.H). I also wanted to let people know he passed away about 10 months ago. I miss him a lot and I hope that my son has the same relationship with my dad as I did with Bernie. I would also like to wish everyone has a Great Memorial day. THANKS, Brian at briandelisle@comcast.net. Posted 23 May 05

Here is the reason why this message board exists--Please read the article by Bil Monan that was recently published in the Charlottesville, VA publication, The Hook: "ESSAY- Looking back: 61 years later, Pvt. Hatcher's last day". Please heed Bil's request at the end of his essay for veterans to "write it down." And, please, if you are even thinking about looking for information about your relative who served in the 83rd Infantry Division, contact this message board--you may find someone who remembers! Posted 21 May 05

[Webmaster's note: Bil Monan's father is Frank Monan, who served as a platoon leader with A Company/331st Infantry in Normandy. Frank's memoirs can be found on the Library of Congress Veterans History Project website.]

I would like any information about my Grandpa, Albert Mercenkus, who has passed away. He was a Captain in the 83rd, 329th Regiment, 1st Battalion. He was also a weapons platoon leader. He was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge and also had frostbite. I would really appreciate any help. mklaw1@earthlink.net. Posted 19 May 05

My father, PFC Salvatore "Al" Capone served with the 83rd Division. He was a rifleman, and was wounded in the shoulder. He often walked the point. He was short in stature but big in heart. He died back on November 11, 1978. He was fond of a Sergeant who came from Detroit. I have letters from the chaplain of the unit to my grandmother in Philadelphia Pa. telling her what a great "kid" he was. Once when I was young he brought me back a racing car from a reunion at Indianapolis. When the unit met in Philadelphia, he brought a bunch back to our house for dinner. If you know of anyone who knew him let me know. He died before the computer age but I know he would be very proud of everything I saw on this web site. Joseph Capone at pottersec72@msn.com. Posted 15 May 05

My father-in-law served in the 329th Infantry, 83rd Division during WWII. I'm looking for any information on veterans who might have served with him. His name was Major Haley E. "Kay" Kohler and his commander was Colonel Edwin B. Crabill. My email address is lkohler@consolidated.net. Posted 15 May 05

The 59th Annual Reunion of the 83rd Infantry Division Association will be held Sept. 7-11 at J.R's Executive Inn, Paducah, KY. This very possibly may be the last national reunion of the 83rd. For a reservation request, contact J. R.'s Executive Inn, One Executive Blvd., Paducah, KY 42001 or call 1-800-866-3636. The reservations direct line is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 7pm, and Saturday from 9am to 12 noon. Please call during these hours only. Also, now is the time to submit ads for the reunion Ad Book. These are a great way to remember friends, family, buddies, etc., or to advertise your business or just say hello and good luck--and contributions for the ads help pay for the reunion. Deadline for ads is August 1st. Contact Cliff Wooldridge to submit an ad: 138 East Side Drive, P.O. Box 406, Alton Bay, NH 03810-0406. Posted 12 May 05

Father, PFC Michael G.Thomas, ASN 33 768 096, served in Company L, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Wounded in action, Hurtgen Forest, 12 Dec 1944, and captured by German army. Spent rest of the war in German POW camp until liberated. Would be interested in where we can find out more information and any survivors of Company L. Please email David A. Noll or Kathleen Thomas-Noll at: david.noll@usda.gov or Noll.Kathy@dol.gov. Posted 03 May 05

Seeking any info about Pfc. George R. Shoemaker, ASN 42068429, KIA Jan. 11, 1945. Member of C Company/331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division. Email kid brother at 3810trebor@SBCglobal.com. Posted 01 May 05

I am looking for information on my grandfather, S/Sgt William M. Tourgee. He was assigned to Company G, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division, and served from October 1942 to April 1945. He died on April 15, 1945, somewhere near the Elbe River, possibly in the vicinity of Kameritz. His Service Number is 31211668. My grandfather is buried in Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands. If anyone served with him, or knows anything about his time in the service, please contact me at: bethaney17@yahoo.com. Thanks. Posted 29 Apr 05

I am looking for information for: Edward Arthur McGuire, PFC. His service number is 42102708. He was part of the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division. He entered the service in New Jersey, died in the Battle of the Bulge on January 9, 1945 and is buried at the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery in Belgium. I would like to know more specifically what company he was in so I could have a better idea where he fought and died. Also, we are planning a trip to Belgium this summer and plan to visit the cemetery. I understand there are some Belgium families that take care of some of the grave sites. Do you know how I would find out if there is a family taking care of Edward's? Sue McGuire-Segue at segue@harbornet.com. Posted 18 Apr 05

Our congratulations and best wishes to George Terhanko, 1st Sergeant of F Company, 331st Infantry, who will be inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame on May 6th. Posted 16 Apr 05

My brother Michael Fusco died in action in France on 27 July, 1944. He was with the 83rd Division, 330th Infantry Regiment, Company L .I have never heard from anyone who was with him. How can I get information on the men that were with him? If I can get some names maybe someone will remember him. Thank you, Salvatore Fusco at tarmar3156@aol.com. Posted 16 Apr 05

I'm looking for any information about S/Sgt Henry Brinck, my uncle. He died 12 August 1944. I'd like to know where in France he was killed and a history of the 83rd Division, 329th Infantry Regiment, Company K, and where they fought. Is there anyone still living from that company that I can talk to about S/Sgt Brinck? Brinckfarm@aol.com. Posted 13 Apr 05

I posted a message some time ago, searching for people who knew my father, Pvt. Robert W. Wilson, KIA Jan. 13, 1945. I also wanted to contact anyone who knew the two men with him when he was killed, Dale Wood and Earl Schard. They were with the 329th IR, F Company. I received two emails from people but, unfortunately, my email "spam killer" got them and I couldn't retrieve the addresses. Would anyone who answered my previous message please contact me again. Thanks for your help! Bob Wilson at oneseven17@msn.com. Posted 11 Apr 05

Please contact Mark Anderson@mander007 @Adelphia.net. My Dad, John Anderson is a Thunderbolt vet, Combat wounded and simply the finest man I will ever know. Posted 02 Apr 05

My uncle Marvin Kincade served with the 329th Infantry, 83rd Division. He was wounded on April 12, 1945 somewhere in Germany. Another fellow named Rufus Johnson was killed on the same day. He was 20 years old and from the same town of Pocahontas, Arkansas. My uncle was killed in a car wreck in 1948 while on leave. He died 3 years before I was born. I have his Purple Heart, but no Citation Letter listing how he was wounded or where. No one in my family knows this information except he was wounded in Germany. The reason I know he was wounded on April 12th is because his buddy Rufus Johnson was buried near him and his unit info was on the headstone. My Mom says he covered the Johnson boy up with his coat and then went on ahead and was wounded. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated. Ron Boozer at rrboozer@madnet.net. Posted 01 Apr 05

We are seeking information about my husband's father, 1st Lt. Raymond L. Terbeek, who served with D Company, 1st Battalion, 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division, and died on July 7th, 1944. My husband, Dale, was born June 13th, 1944, and so he never knew him. When Dale was 4, his mother remarried, and the family never talked about his father, so we know very little. I was wondering if there is anyone who might have known Dale's father? I know it would mean so much to both of us to be able to talk with someone who fought with him or just knew him from the service. He is buried at Omaha Beach and we have been fortunate to have visited a few years back. We are planning to attend the 83rd Division reunion this September in Paducah, KY. Thanks very much for any help. Karen and Dale Terbeek at lee-terbeek1@juno.com. Posted 29 Mar 05

Looking for anyone who knew my uncle, Lt. Willard (Bill) P. McCormick, 0538968, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division. He was taken prisoner on 19 July 1944 near St Lo. Was wounded on German train bombed 27 July 1944 near Chateau Thierry. Cared for in nearby French hospital until 25 August 1944, and freed by US forces near Chalons on 29 August 1944. Does anyone remember Bill? I am particularly interested in the train bombing incident and hearing from anyone who might have known Bill during his time in the 83rd Division. Robert J. McCormick at mmach2cando@aol.com. Posted 27 Mar 05

Is there any one who remembers me, Leroy Rock? I was a Sergeant of B Battery, 323rd Field Artillery with the 83rd Division. If so, please send me an email at LeRock@webtv.net Thank you. Posted 23 Mar 05

I belong to a French government agency which is in charge of preservation of coastal natural sites. Actually we have discussion about Isle of Cezembre near St. Malo which have a nest of German troops in 1944 August. It was an historic place: the first place where napalm was used in Europe. Today there is plenty unexploded ordnance so it's forbidden to visit this isle. We hope to get a free and safe part of this island to show to the public what is the landscape and to protect birds and so on. We hope to show a peaceful place where the life and nature are more present than death without forget what means a war. In 1944, the 83rd Division was under the fire of the gun from this isle. There was bombing from naval gun or aerial bombing during 3 weeks and terrestrial artillery. Today I am looking after every information about terrestrial bombing (how many bomb, how many round per minutes A.S.O.) that would be very useful. Thank you for everybody who'll be able to give some informations. Sincerely Yours, Thierry Chauvin at t.chauvin@conservatoire-du-littoral.fr. Posted 23 Mar 05

We are anxious to contact anyone who might have information about the service of the late Robert S. Long, a 1st Lieutenant and forward observer with the 322nd Field Artillery Battalion of the 83rd Infantry Division. Joe and Kay Gaston at jvwg@bellsouth.net. Posted 21 Mar 05

I would like any information about my father, who is still alive. Sidney Reindahl Sr. was from Minnesota, trained with the 78th Division, and was a replacement with the 83rd Division, 331st Infantry, Company G before Normandy. Dad landed with the 83rd and was with them through Central Europe, Brittany, Ardennes (frost bitten hand) and Rhineland to the Elbe River. He received Bronze Star with Oak Leaves. Genecreindahl@aol.com. Posted 21 Mar 05

Looking for anyone who knew my grandfather, Pvt.Thadis Frank Maddox Jr. of the 83rd Division. He trained at Camp Fannin and served in France. He was wounded Aug. 10, 1944. Please e-mail hryansmom12@aol.com. Posted 19 Mar 05

Pfc. Charly C. DiDominic of Detroit, MI, was in E Company/331st Infantry. He was killed in action in July 1944, possibly on 4 July--the first day of combat for the 83rd Division. Click here to learn more. Posted 10 Mar 05

I am Daniel J. McCabe serial number 42091297 and was in E Company 331st Infantry. I was captured 60 years ago today with several others and I wonder if there are any survivors left that I was captured with. My rank was Private First Class and was captured on the West Bank of the Rhine River near Neuss on March 2,1945. The Company Commander's name was Captain Sloane and he was captured with us. My memory fails me as I can not remember any of the other names that were captured with us. Daniel J. McCabe, e-mail: uncledjm@aol.com or uncledjm@comcast.net. Posted 02 Mar 05

We regret to report that Corporal Albert G. Potasnik, also known as "Al," "Sluggo," "Georgie," who served with the 83rd Thunderbolts in WWII, passed away on February 23, 2005 in Johnstown PA. From Mommyanne@aol.com. Posted 26 Feb 05

I am seeking information about my great uncle, PVT Alfonso A. Yannotta, 330th RCT, 83d ID, who was KIA I believe in January 1945. I would appreciate any information anyone might have or any possible sources to conduct my search. Thank you. John Dente at jdentemd@yahoo.com. Posted 14 Feb 05

I am interested in hearing from anyone who served in the 323rd FA Battalion, 83rd Inf. Div. in Europe during WWII. I was a forward observer in B Battery from 25 July, 1944 to the end of the war with three months out in the hospital after being wounded in the Huertgen Forest. Edwin Stokely, estokely@tampabay.rr.com. Posted 06 Feb 05

I am wanting to find out how my Grandfather won the Silver Star medal. His name is James Walter Gray Jr. and he served in Company M, 330th Infantry, 83rd Infantry Division. Please help. Thank you, David Presley at dpresley@catt.com. Posted 05 Feb 05

I am doing a memorial on a relative of mine, Staff Sgt Frank L. Debruyn, who served with the 329th RCT of the 83rd Inf. Div. He landed at Normandy and participated in most of the engagements up to the Elbe bridgehead. He was attached to a 1st squad, 3rd platoon but I do not know the company nor battalion. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Edward C. Van Rossen at evanrossen@msn.com. Posted 26 Jan 05

The "OHIO GROUP" Association wishes a Happy New Year to all the Veterans and their families, and to everyone interested in the history of the 83rd US Infantry Divsion. From Gilles BILLION at gilles.billion@sycomore.biz Posted 26 Jan 05
[Webmaster note: The "OHIO GROUP" is a French association that helps veterans of the 83rd Division and their descendants find information about the history and location of places where the 83rd Division fought in France.]

"Thank You, Eddie Hart," the television documentary about PFC Eddie Hart and G Company/329th Infantry Regiment, won two Emmy Awards this past weekend at the MidSouth Regional Emmy Awards. The awards were for Best Documentary/Historical and and Best Music Composer/Arranger. You can find out more about the award-winning documentary at http://www.thankyoueddiehart.com. Posted 24 Jan 05

My father, Warren G. Mullins, served from 1944 through 1945 with the 83rd Infantry Division. Requesting any information, photos of my father if there are any available. He is 83 and is not sure which company and platoon that he served under. Thanks for your help. You can send any information through this email address which is my girlfriend's--she will pass along to me. Beth.Thompson@EKU.EDUT Thank you. Terry W. Mullins. Posted 23 Jan 05

My father, Albert Jay Cottle, was in 83rd division, 331st IR, H Company, and was in a machine gun section. He was wounded 10 Jan 1945 in Ottre or Bihain, Belgium. He received 13 wounds but recovered. My dad passed away 02 Mar 2002 at the age of 88. I have been trying to get information on him since his death. I have never been able to find much information on H Company. If anyone has information please e- mail me at ajayco@bellsouth.net. Thanks, Albert Jay Cottle, Jr. Posted 21 Jan 05

We regret to report the following information: Acting First Sgt. Paul Ernest Smith, 329th Infantry, Company D answered his last roll call today at 0545 this morning, 18 January 2005. From Duane Kennedy, nephew, duanekennedy@comcast.net. Posted 18 Jan 05

For years I have been trying to get information on a few of my buddies I served with in the Signal Corps throughout the campaign across France into Germany. Names like Sgt Grewo, Major Hadesty, Col Ryan, Anthony Slives, Dominic DiCicio, Mr. Paulson, and many more whose names do not come readily. Any info anybody might have would be deeply appreciated. C Brown, 83rd Signal. Email: cbrown024@columbus.rr.com. Posted 18 Jan 05

I am seeking information about my late grandfather, Donald C. Kuhn. He served in WW2 in the 83rd Ohio Thunderbolt Division. He was at Camp Atterbury and graduated from 1560th unit for Bakers and Cooks. My grandfather was originally from Sylvester, WV but was living in Ironton upon time of deployment. He served from 42-45 and was stationed in Belgium at some point. I am seeking anyone with information about specifics of the duty of his division and am also seeking anyone who may have known him. Thank you so much. Keep history. Andy Kuhn at AndyMarietta18@hotmail.com. Posted 17 Jan 05

I would like to thank all the people who helped me in my search for information about my father. He was Private Robert W. Wilson, SSN 37746799 and was killed in action January 13, 1945. He was with F Company, 329th IR of the 83rd Division. Thanks to all the help, I now know what Company he was with and that he took Basic Training at Fort McCullan, AL in June of 1944. He was put into action just after January 1, 1945. He was with two other men from Nebraska and they were with him when he was hit by shrapnel. The two were Dale Wood and Earl Schard. Both of them are now deceased. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers my Dad or either of the two men who were with him. R.L. Wilson at oneseven17@msn.com. Posted 13 Jan 05

My Uncle, Robert J. Hilse, was a proud member of the Thunderbolt's 329th Infantry, who fought in Germany. I believe he was in Company C. He was wounded in April of 1945 and also had Rheumatic fever while in the service. His heart was never right after that. Uncle Bob was wonderful, kind, gentle, and always full of fun! I miss him very much and would love to hear from anyone who may remember him and have stories or photos to share. He will always be my hero! Thanks, Sharon at Shuttermuther@lycos.com. Posted 09 Jan 05

I am looking for info on my grandfather John W. Robertson ("Red") of Elkin, NC. 1943-1946. It is believed strongly that he was in this unit (83rd Division) but I am not sure what company. I know this is a tall order, but I am starved for info. Like everyone else, I tried the Archives and they aren't much help. From the fire, everything was destroyed, and without a DD214 I am flying blind and working from a memory that is fading because he didn't talk much about what he did over there. He was "big guns and shells" and I was told anti-aircraft--but other things I have been told have been off just slightly. I know he was big guns just anti-what? If you have any info please email me at dtabor@speedfactory.net. I have pics of plenty of guys and landmarks and cards that he sent my grandmother but she died when I was 7 months pregnant with their twin grandsons 8 years ago, and he passed 5 years ago. He never got around to telling the boys the "war" stories he promised. I will be putting these pics on a website to be posted later on, so if I have your families picture I will mail it to you so you can have it. Thanks, Denise Robertson-Tabor. Posted 05 Jan 05

My uncle, Stanley O. Bohner, ARMY ID# 33505206, Northumberland, PA. was killed in action serving in Europe with the 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division in 1943 or 1944. I am searching for anyone who might have known him. Thanks, Barry at barshar@adelphia.net. Posted 04 Jan 05

Tony Vaccaro's new book, Shots of War, showcases his photographs that were exhibited at the Musee d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg in 2002 on the occasion of Tony's 80th birthday. The 160-page book was produced by Galerie Bilderwelt , Berlin, and serves as a catalog for its traveling exhibition, Shots Of War, which is being shown this year as part of the 60th anniversary of the Liberation of France. The book is an incredible photographic record of the 83rd Infantry Division, and in particular the 2nd Battalion of the 331st Infantry Regiment. More information about the book is available at the Amazon website. Posted 03 Jan 05

My name is Roland N. Grebinger. I was with the 83rd Divison, 330th Regiment Company "B". My serial number was 33841790. I served from November 1944 through October 1945. I look forward to hearing from any fellow veterans who served in the 83rd Division. Roland Grebinger at RNGREB@msn.com. Posted 02 Jan 05


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